Sunday, March 17, 2024

 Staff Update Week of March 18th

Important Dates

3/21-        PBIS Day (know the 3 Rs)

3/22-        PBIS Quarterly Incentive 

3/22-        Fire Drill 10:22am

3/25-4/1    Spring Break

4/3-            First Day of State Testing

4/5-            8th Grade Field Trip (Natural History Museum)

4/8-            PD Day-  Solar Eclipse 

Important Information

Election Day (Tuesday)

The building will be used on Tuesday as a voting site.  Therefore, the following will need to take place:

-  Gym closed for all classes (Joe and Brett.....please move your classes)

-  Track and Tennis......Gym closed for practices.

-  Locker rooms closed to students all day.  (coaches, please make sure students get anything they need for school/sports out of locker room on Monday.....keep lockers locked)

-  8th Graders will need to stay in the Lobby in the morning prior to school (no gym)



The State Support Team will be at EMS on Thursday to review our Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports.  They will be coming around asking questions.  Make sure you are able to discuss what we do to support PBIS.  

Here is the adjusted bell schedule for March 22nd.  Thank you Amy Clendenning and the PBIS Team for putting together a fun afternoon for the students.


Just a reminder....Any staff member is welcome to attend any PLC.  Just let me know if you would like to attend one of the meetings and I will make sure to get you coverage so you can attend.  Having these frequent PLCs allows me to cancel many of our staff meetings.

6th Grade Meetings-  Tuesdays 5th period

7th Grade Meetings-  Wednesdays  7th period

8th Grade Meetings-  Thursdays  1st period

State of the Schools

On Monday evening, the district will be hosting the "State of the Schools".   Each school will have a table and a few students and staff members present to talk about the great things happening in their buildings.  Thank you Stephanie Royko, Kirk Dressel, and Casey Cook for organizing students, setting up the table, and spear heading this event.

State Testing

The month of April will be filled with State Testing.  Here is a link to the EMS AIR Testing Dates.  Please encourage students to try their best on the tests.  Make sure students are out of the hallways and there are minimal distractions throughout the day.  Please keep in mind that there will be some small group testing happening on days that are assigned testing days.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

How to Aggregate Test and Quiz Scores

Let Students Choose Their Grading Criteria

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