Friday, September 1, 2023

 Staff Update Week of September 4, 2023

DJ Dressel......great work at the PBIS assembly

Important Dates

9/4-  Labor Day (No School)

9/11-  EMS represented at Board Meeting

9/13-  PTSO Meeting 6:30pm

9/19-  Awards Assembly 

9/20-  Staff Meeting 7:30am (Dr. Ward and Cabinet will be running meeting)

9/20-  Dr. Ward Coffee Talk 6:30pm

9/21- Awards Assembly

9/22- Fire Drill 9:35am

9/28- ICAC Assemblies (2nd, 3rd, 4th periods) (Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force)

9/28-  Kona Ice Truck 8th period (fundraiser prize)

Important Information

OTES 2.0

The OTES 2.0 Evaluation Assignment List for 2023-24 will be coming soon.

Log-in to OTES 2.0 using

HQSD selection Google Form due by September 15, 2023  September 30, 2023

                       HQSD support/resources

Professional Growth Plan Information due by September 30, 2023

                      W-E Schools Strategic Plan

                       W-E Schools Academic Goals

Submitting to W-E Social Media

Staff is encouraged to submit social media content to, showcasing the learning experiences and activities taking place.  If posting on your staff social media channels, please include the hashtag #MyChoiceWilloughbyEastlake

Student Services

Students need to be pulled for various services such as Sonday, Speech, OT, PT, etc.   We are still working on finding the best times to pull students.  We should have a clearer picture next week.


Please make sure students have a pass when they leave your room.  I would eventually love to move to an electronic hall pass system.  This may be something we can try in a few classrooms and see how it goes.  Let me know if you are interested in trying it out.

Sara Burbol

Congratulations to Sara Burbol for accepting a position with Mayfield Schools.  Her last day at EMS will be September 13th.  We wish her well.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

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