Friday, September 22, 2023

  Staff Update Week of September 25, 2023

Guess who won......

Important Dates

9/27-  Lockdown Drill (10:25am)

9/28- ICAC Assemblies (2nd, 3rd, 4th periods) (Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force)

9/28-  Kona Ice Truck 8th period (fundraiser prize)

10/11      -  Parent Teacher Conferences (3:30-7:30)

10/17-  Staff Flu Shot Day

 11/1-    Parent Teacher Conferences  (3:30-7:30)

Important Information

Lockdown Drill

Our first lockdown drill of the year will be Wednesday, September 27th, at 10:25.

I will read various scenarios over the announcements.  We will NOT be locking down or barricading rooms.  You will review each scenario with your students and talk about what they should do based on the information provided.

*  Not only should you discuss what your students should do if they were in your room, but also discuss other locations in the building.  For example, ask students what they should do if they were in a study hall in the cafeteria or in the hallway when the scenario were to happen.  

*  It is unfortunate that we live in a world where things like this need to be discussed, but it is something we need to make sure we are prepared for.

ICAC Assemblies

The Cuyahoga County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force will be at EMS on Thursday, September 28th, to talk to our students about the risks and dangers associate with social media and technology.  This will be done in grade level assemblies.

6th Grade:  2nd Period

7th Grade:  3rd Period

8th Grade:  4th Period

*  I will call students down to the gym over the announcements

* Please sit in the stands with students and encourage good behavior.


We are half way through the first quarter.  Your grades need to be based on a minimum of 70% assessment.  A student's grade should be an accurate representation of their performance in your classroom (not a reflection on if they are a nice kid).  

Instructional Strategy of the Week

I have been talking to grade level PLCs this week about refreshing our memories on some effective instructional strategies.  Middle school students listening to lectures for 45 minutes DOES NOT WORK.  The majority of our staff knows and understands this.  The Covid days are past us....we need to get back to students collaborating and working together......not just regurgitating information from the text book.

Here is a video that highlights the Station Rotation instructional strategy.  Here is another video which explains how to set up the Stations.  

Growth Plans/ HQSD / Observations

Just a reminder that your Growth Plans and HQSD is due 9/30.  

** Gold Stars to Brett Ramming, Amy Dittebrand, and Stephanie Royko for getting their observations scheduled.

Public School Works

Please make sure you complete you PSW trainings

Parent/ Teacher Conferences

We will not be having parents sign up for conferences this year.  I will be sending out an email to parents early next week letting them know that teachers will be available for conferences from 3:30-7:30 and that they can come to school anytime in that time period.  Teachers will be in their rooms and we will place chairs outside of each room so parents can sit and wait if you are meeting with another parent.  Conferences should be held to 10 minutes.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Watch the Station Rotation videos posted above.

How to Provide Effective Feedback to Students

Friday, September 15, 2023

 Staff Update 

                 Week of September 18, 2023

EMS football team playing against WWMS at North High School

Important Dates

9/19-  8th Grade Awards Assembly

9/20-  Staff Meeting 7:30am (Dr. Ward and Cabinet will be running meeting)

9/20-  Dr. Ward Coffee Talk 6:30pm

9/21- 7th Grade Awards Assembly

9/22- Fire Drill 9:35am

9/28- ICAC Assemblies (2nd, 3rd, 4th periods) (Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force)

9/28-  Kona Ice Truck 8th period (fundraiser prize)

Important Information

Staff Meeting

Dr. Ward and the Cabinet will be running the staff meeting on Wednesday, September 20th at 7:30.  The meeting will be held in Mr. Grabski's room.  Please be on time.  For those of you with morning duties, stay in the meeting. 

**  This meeting is only for teachers

Awards Assemblies

We will call students down to the gym 2nd period.  Feel free to stop down if you are free.

Browns Day

Support the Browns on Monday by wearing your Brown and Orange.  

Dr. Ward Coffee Talk

Dr. Ward has been having informal "Coffee Talks" with the the various communities in the district.  He will be at EMS on Wednesday at 6:30 in Stephanie Royko's room.  If you want a cup a coffee with the superintendent, stop on by.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Learning more playful?

How to Motivate Students to Work in Collaborative Teams

Pacing Lessons for Optimal Learning

Sunday, September 10, 2023

  Staff Update 

Week of September 11, 2023

In case you missed it....
Browns 1-0
Steelers 0-1

Important Dates

9/11-  EMS represented at Board Meeting

9/13-  PTSO Meeting 6:30pm

9/19-  7th Grade Awards Assembly

9/20-  Staff Meeting 7:30am (Dr. Ward and Cabinet will be running meeting)

9/20-  Dr. Ward Coffee Talk 6:30pm

9/21- 8th Grade Awards Assembly

9/22- Fire Drill 9:35am

9/28- ICAC Assemblies (2nd, 3rd, 4th periods) (Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force)

9/28-  Kona Ice Truck 8th period (fundraiser prize)

Important Information

September 11th  (Patriot Day)

We will be having a moment of silence on Monday at 8:46am.  I will come on announcements, say a few words, and ask for the moment of silence (10-15 seconds).

I am sure our social studies teachers will be discussing 9/11 in classes, but if you are comfortable with it, please share with your students what it was like for you on that day.  

Here is a link to the 911 Memorial and Museum.  It has some good information and ideas for talking with students.  

Classroom Visits

I try to stop in every room everyday so the students see me and to get an idea of what is happening.  I have been very pleased with the instruction I have seen.  

Keep students engaged.  If they are doing a single task for more than 10 minutes, you will lose them.  Keep them guessing.....change things up....take some chances and have fun.

Professional Development Opportunity 

Please click this link to review professional development opportunity

OTES 2.0

The OTES 2.0 Evaluation Assignment List for 2023-24 will be coming soon.

Log-in to OTES 2.0 using

HQSD selection Google Form due by September 15, 2023  September 30, 2023

                       HQSD support/resources

Professional Growth Plan Information due by September 30, 2023

                      W-E Schools Strategic Plan

                       W-E Schools Academic Goals

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Amazing Opening and Closing Activities That Students Wont Want to Miss

100 Great Resources for Middle School Students

The Power of Yet (Video)

Friday, September 1, 2023

 Staff Update Week of September 4, 2023

DJ Dressel......great work at the PBIS assembly

Important Dates

9/4-  Labor Day (No School)

9/11-  EMS represented at Board Meeting

9/13-  PTSO Meeting 6:30pm

9/19-  Awards Assembly 

9/20-  Staff Meeting 7:30am (Dr. Ward and Cabinet will be running meeting)

9/20-  Dr. Ward Coffee Talk 6:30pm

9/21- Awards Assembly

9/22- Fire Drill 9:35am

9/28- ICAC Assemblies (2nd, 3rd, 4th periods) (Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force)

9/28-  Kona Ice Truck 8th period (fundraiser prize)

Important Information

OTES 2.0

The OTES 2.0 Evaluation Assignment List for 2023-24 will be coming soon.

Log-in to OTES 2.0 using

HQSD selection Google Form due by September 15, 2023  September 30, 2023

                       HQSD support/resources

Professional Growth Plan Information due by September 30, 2023

                      W-E Schools Strategic Plan

                       W-E Schools Academic Goals

Submitting to W-E Social Media

Staff is encouraged to submit social media content to, showcasing the learning experiences and activities taking place.  If posting on your staff social media channels, please include the hashtag #MyChoiceWilloughbyEastlake

Student Services

Students need to be pulled for various services such as Sonday, Speech, OT, PT, etc.   We are still working on finding the best times to pull students.  We should have a clearer picture next week.


Please make sure students have a pass when they leave your room.  I would eventually love to move to an electronic hall pass system.  This may be something we can try in a few classrooms and see how it goes.  Let me know if you are interested in trying it out.

Sara Burbol

Congratulations to Sara Burbol for accepting a position with Mayfield Schools.  Her last day at EMS will be September 13th.  We wish her well.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

  Staff Update  Week of September 30th, 2024 Important Dates 9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week 9/30-         Fire Drill 9:33 10/3-        Pictur...