Important Dates
9/30-10/4 EMS Safety Week
9/30- Fire Drill 9:33
10/3- Picture Retake Day
10/9- 8th Grade Field Trip- Holden Arboretum
10/9- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30
10/10- 6th Grade Camp- Red Oak
10/15- Herren Talks at North (all 7th and 8th Graders)
10/17- PBIS Assembly
10/22- ICAC Assemblies (TBA)
10/30- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30
10/31- Halloween (TBA)
Important Information
Safety Week
Monday (9/30)- Fire Drill (8th period)
Tuesday (10/1)- Lockdown Drill/ Barricade (2nd Period)
Wednesday (10/2)- Mass Evacuate (1st period)
Thursday (10/3)- Situational Drill (2nd Period)
Friday (10/4)- Tornado Drill (Homeroom)
Prior to each drill, I will make an announcement explaining the expectations to students.
I will be asking parents to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences this year.
The sign up form will be emailed to parents on Monday.
Once a parent selects a time, that time will no longer be offered to other parents.
If you need a break during conferences, please block a time off by scheduling a conference with yourself so no one can select that time.
* If your name was left off the form, please let me know. Some of you work in multiple buildings and I am not sure which day you will be at EMS for conferences.
** I will provide a list of scheduled conferences to each staff member when we get closer to 10/9
Good Professional Reading (or Watching)