Sunday, September 29, 2024

 Staff Update Week of September 30th, 2024

Important Dates

9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week

9/30-        Fire Drill 9:33

10/3-        Picture Retake Day

10/9-        8th Grade Field Trip-  Holden Arboretum 

10/9-        Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30

10/10-        6th Grade Camp-  Red Oak

10/15-      Herren Talks at North (all 7th and 8th Graders)

10/17-      PBIS Assembly

10/22-    ICAC Assemblies (TBA)

10/30-    Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-7:30

10/31-      Halloween (TBA)

Important Information

Safety Week

Monday (9/30)-  Fire Drill  (8th period)
Tuesday (10/1)-  Lockdown Drill/ Barricade (2nd Period)
Wednesday (10/2)-  Mass Evacuate (1st period)
Thursday (10/3)-  Situational Drill (2nd Period)
Friday (10/4)-  Tornado Drill (Homeroom)

Prior to each drill, I will make an announcement explaining the expectations to students.  

Parent Teacher Conferences (10/9)

I will be asking parents to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences this year.
The sign up form will be emailed to parents on Monday.
Here is a link to the sign up form.
Once a parent selects a time, that time will no longer be offered to other parents.
If you need a break during conferences, please block a time off by scheduling a conference with yourself so no one can select that time.
(Do not schedule a break at 7:15......Jack)

* If your name was left off the form, please let me know.  Some of you work in multiple buildings and I am not sure which day you will be at EMS for conferences.

** I will provide a list of scheduled conferences to each staff member when we get closer to 10/9

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Parent Teacher Conference Tips

25 Formative Assessment Samples

Sunday, September 22, 2024


Important Dates

9/24-        Trauma Module #4 (6th Grade PLC)

9/26-        Trauma Module #4 (8th Grade PLC)

9/26-        Kona Ice Party (Candy Bar Sale) 2:15

9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week

9/30-        Fire Drill 9:33

10/3-        Picture Retake Day

Important Information


We are about half way through the first quarter.  Assessments need to make up a minimum of 70% of a student's grade.


As I walk around the building a visit classrooms, I am pleased with the increased amount of rigor in teacher's instruction.  Continue to push your students.  Do not let them settle for less than they can accomplish.  Raise the bar.

Safety Week PLCs

If you did not attend a Safety Week PLC, you need to come talk with me ASAP.  

Growth Plans/ HQSD

Please make sure your Growth Plans and HQSD are completed by September 30th

Public School Works

Just a reminder to make sure you complete your PSW trainings.  

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Using Choice Boards to Boost Student Engagement

Strategies to Engage Middle-Level Learners

Sunday, September 15, 2024

 Staff Update Week of September 16th, 2024

Look who is at Cleveland Browns Stadium.....

Important Dates

9/16-         Bus Evacuation Drills 8am

9/17-        PTSO Meeting 6pm

9/18-        Trauma Module #4 (7th Grade PLC)

9/24-        Trauma Module #4 (6th Grade PLC)

9/26-        Trauma Module #4 (8th Grade PLC)

9/26-        Kona Ice Party (Candy Bar Sale) 2:15

9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week

9/30-        Fire Drill 9:33

10/3-        Picture Retake Day

Important Information

Growth Plans/ HQSD

Please make sure your Growth Plans and HQSD are completed by September 30th

Public School Works

Just a reminder to make sure you complete your PSW trainings.  

Window Coverings

Please make sure you have some type of window covering that can be used on your classroom door in case of an emergency.  It can be as simple as a large piece of construction paper on Velcro that can be hung  up very quickly.

State School Report Card

The state recently released Report Cards for schools and districts across the state.  Here is a link to EMS's Report Card.  We will be reviewing this data in upcoming PLC meetings.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Check out the WE Curriculum Department Update.  It has a lot of good information.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

 Staff Update Week of September 9th, 2024

Important Dates

9/26-          Fire Drill 9:33

9/26-        Kona Ice Party (Candy Bar Sale) 2:15

9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week

Important Information

EMS Safety Week

We are coordinating with the Eastlake Police Department to have a "School Safety Week" the week of September 30th.  

We will be discussing this in PLCs over the next couple of weeks.  Specials and Units teachers, you will be scheduled to attend a PLC much like we have done with the past Trauma Informed Trainings. 
(please see email from Casey Cook for dates and coverage)

Here is a rough outline of what the Safety Week will look like:

Monday (9/30)-  Fire Drill
Tuesday (10/1)-  Lockdown Drill/ Barricade Classroom Doors
Wednesday (10/2)-  Mass Evacuate to safety locations
Thursday (10/3)-  Situational Drill (make a decision)
Friday (10/4)-  Tornado Drill

The expectations will be detailed during PLC discussions.  I will be letting parents know about this plan around 9/15.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)


Monday, September 2, 2024

 Staff Update Week of September 2nd, 2024

The 2024 MLB first overall pic, Travis Bazzana, watching the EMS Band at the Captains game on Friday night.

Important Dates

9/2-            Labor Day (No School)

9/26-          Fire Drill 9:33

9/26-        Kona Ice Party (Candy Bar Sale) 2:15

Important Information


On Friday evening, the EMS Band performed the National Anthem at the Captains game.  The students were very excited and did a great job.  Thank you Katy Michalski for your hard work organizing and preparing your students for this event!

EMS Band at Captain Game Video


I have been getting great feedback about SmartPass.  If you are having trouble. please let me know asap.  We will start to look at the data provide by SmartPass in PLCs this week.

PBIS Assembly (Tuesday)

Hopefully a cooler gym will provide a better atmosphere for our PBIS Closing Ceremonies on Tuesday.  

Adjusted Bell Schedule

PBIS Closing Ceremonies


Just a reminder to specials teachers, if you would like to attend a PLC, just let me know so we can get you coverage.


I sent out an email last week asking for ideas for clubs.  My goal is to get 100% of our students involved in a school club and/or athletics.  I will be coming around this week to speak with you about your club idea and let you know if a supplemental can be offered for it.

EMS Club Planning

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Advice from Middle School Students to Educators

Video:  The 'What Are You Doing' Game

  Staff Update  Week of September 30th, 2024 Important Dates 9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week 9/30-         Fire Drill 9:33 10/3-        Pictur...