Staff Update Week of May 20th
Important Dates
5/20- 8th Grade Swings and Things Field Trip
5/21- "Northern Lights" Assembly 2nd period
5/22- Last Day of School
5/23- PD Day
5/24- Teacher Records Day
Important Information
No PLCs last week of school (besides PD Day)
Last Day of School (5/22)
Students will not be permitted to use lockers or bring items to school on Wednesday (5/22)
PD Day (5/23)
Here is a link to the schedule for PD Day on 5/23
Please see me with any questions
Check Out Day (5/24)
Staff meeting 8:30am in Band Room?
Teacher checkouts begin at 9am
Please bring your End Faculty Check Out List
Checkout order will be randomly selected Wednesday.
If you don't mind having a later time in the day for checkout, let me know.
At Risk/ Possible Failure List
Please refer to Casey's email from 5/15. Here is a link to the At Risk/ Possible Failure List
Please have this completed by May 23 at 9am
Please send an email to Casey if you have any students receiving "Incompletes"
Math and Science AIR Results.
Congrats to Karla, Michelle, Kelly, Tracey, Amy, Mallory, Lisa, and Mackenzie. I am pleased with our growth from last year.
Good Professional Reading (or Watching)
Mayfield Middle School's visiting school presentation
Many teachers have gone to Mayfield MS this year to see what they are doing. If you didn't get a chance, take a look at this presentation.