Monday, April 29, 2024

 Staff Update Week of April 29th

Magic Gives Back Show on Saturday

Important Dates

5/1-            Band Concert

5/7-            PTSO Staff Cookout

5/9-            7th Grade Zoo Field Trip

5/10-            PTSO School Dance

5/14-           5th Grader visit EMS

5/14-           5th Grade Parent Night

5/14-           Choir Concert

5/15-            6th Grade Zoo Field Trip

5/16-           Band/Choir Assemblies (2nd period

5/17-           8th Grade Honors Breakfast

5/17-             PBIS Quarterly Incentive Day

5/20-            8th Grade Swings and Things Field Trip

5/21-            "Northern Lights" Assembly 2nd period

5/22-          Last Day of School

Important Information

State Testing

Monday and Tuesday- 6th Grade Math Testing

Wednesday and Thursday-  8th Grade Science Testing

Here is a link to the Math Testing Groups (Science groups are the last tab on the bottom)

**  I will be pulling students for Math make-ups Monday and Tuesday.

**  Here is a list of students that need to make-up their math tests

Student Engagement

Please make sure you are keeping your students engaged and busy in your classrooms.  I know we are all tired and ready for are the kids.  We need to make sure the kids are doing some type of meaningful work.  The school year is not done yet......3 more weeks.

Limit student bathroom breaks.  Keep them in your rooms. 

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Engaging Students with Challenge Based Learning

3 Sneaky Ways Perfectionism is Holding you Back

Sunday, April 14, 2024

 Staff Update Week of April 22nd

NESS 2024
Thank you everyone who came out to help out and show your support.

Important Dates

5/1-            Band Concert

5/7-            PTSO Staff Cookout

5/9-            7th Grade Zoo Field Trip

5/10-            PTSO School Dance

5/14-           5th Grader visit EMS

5/14-           5th Grade Parent Night

5/14-           Choir Concert

5/15-            6th Grade Zoo Field Trip

5/16-           Band/Choir Assemblies (2nd period

5/17-           8th Grade Honors Breakfast

5/17-             PBIS Quarterly Incentive Day

5/20-            8th Grade Swings and Things Field Trip

5/21-            "Northern Lights" Assembly 2nd period

5/22-          Last Day of School

Important Information

State Testing

Math Testing begins this week

Here is a link to the Testing Schedule

Here is a link to the Math Testing Groups

*  4th and 5th periods will switch on all 7th Grade Testing days.

End of the Year

The last day of school has been changed to 5/22
Therefore the 8th grade field trip had to be changed.

We are now planning on taking our 8th graders to Swings n Things on 5/20

All three grade levels will be at EMS on 5/22.  We will plan some activities for that last day, but I do NOT want grade levels mixed up.

We will talk at PLCs

Room Changes
I believe I have spoken with everyone that will be changing rooms next year. 
Everyone has been great about this.  Thank you.

You will have time on 5/23 and 5/24 to start moving your items.

Rooms 216, 214, and 212 will be "Large Group Rooms" next year.  You will have the ability to reserve these rooms if you would like to use them.  These rooms will be decked out with modern furniture and other supplies to allow more team activities and such.  More info to come later this year.

Every classroom will be getting new student desks for next year.  More info to come at a later date.

Thank you to everyone who came out to help and show support to our students for a great cause.  Huge shout out to Angela Minichello and Ellen Murfey for organizing the event.  Also, thank you to Casey Cook for everything you have done with NESS the past 13 years.  Well done!

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Dont Click Here.  This is definitely not a secret link or anything.

28 Ways to Quickly Check for Understanding

Monday, April 8, 2024

 Staff Update Week of April 8th

Important Dates

4/16-          Fire Drill 1:40pm

4/17-           Staff Meeting 7:30am

4/18-           Tornado Drill  8:45am

4/20-          NESS Dance

Important Information

State Testing

EMS AIR Testing Dates.  

ELA Testing Groups.  

Momentum Award

Again, congratulations to everyone for earning a Momentum Award.


The momentum award is for districts and buildings that have demonstrated outstanding improvement in achievement while also continuing to show growth. The momentum award is for districts and buildings that have improved their performance index by 3 or more points from 2021-2022 report card to the 2022-2023 report card AND received a value-added progress rating of 4 or more stars. Districts and buildings are not eligible for this award if they received an overall rating of 5 stars. 
Momentum District Award List
Momentum Building Award List 


Angela Minichello was interviewed by Channel 5 News on Saturday morning about NESS.  Nice job Angela!

NESS on Channel 5 News

Taking Students Outside
As the weather warms up, feel free to take your classes outside.
Make sure you let the office know you are going outside and do NOT prop the door.

Hallways During Testing
If you are not proctoring an AIR test, please make sure you are in the hallways during class changes to help keep students quiet.

Please help the 6th grade teachers by keeping 8th graders out of the 6th grade hallway on Tuesday during 6th grade ELA testing.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

AI and Differentiation

60 Second Strategy: NAEM Tracker

Monday, April 1, 2024

  Staff Update Week of April 1st

Welcome our newest Laker

Important Dates

4/1-            No School

4/3-            First Day of State Testing

4/5-            8th Grade Field Trip (Natural History Museum)

4/8-            PD Day-  Solar Eclipse 

4/16-          Fire Drill 1:40pm

4/17-           Staff Meeting 7:30am

4/18-           Tornado Drill  8:45am

4/20-          NESS Dance

Important Information

State Testing

When are we testing?:    EMS AIR Testing Dates.  

Please help keep students quiet in the hallways.  

Please continue to encourage students to try their best on the tests.

ELA Testing Groups

Here is a link to the ELA Testing Groups.  Please use this list so you know who should be in your classes.  6th and 7th grade will be testing both AM and PM.  8th grade is testing only in the morning.


Another shout out to our Tier 1 and Tier 2 PBIS teams.  Great work everyone!

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Better Ways to Measure Student Progress

27 Super-Smart, Teacher-Tested Closing Activities

  Staff Update  Week of September 30th, 2024 Important Dates 9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week 9/30-         Fire Drill 9:33 10/3-        Pictur...