Staff Update Week of January 29th
Important Dates
2/1- 8th Graders to North (TBA)
2/9- Valentine's Day Dance (Units) at EMS
2/14- Valentine's Day
2/16- PTSO Rick Smith (Magician) Assembly 2pm
2/19- Presidents Day (No School)
2/21- Staff Meeting 7:30am
2/27- Fire Drill 9:35am
Important Information
Core subject teachers and Special Education teachers are currently meeting weekly in PLCs. Other teachers are joining the meetings when they can. If you would like to join one or more of the grade level PLCs, let me know and we will get you coverage.
Field Trips
We are in the process of setting up field trips for our students. 6th Graders will be going to the Zoo in May (thank you Justine Ianiro). 8th Graders have three field trips set up for the spring (thank you Stephanie Royko). Does anyone want to step up and organize a field trip for the 7th graders?
Extra Curriculars
Students love to see staff at their sporting events or other extra curriculars. Thank you to those who stop by to see your students. The girls basketball team plays at home this Thursday. I have some connections and will provide free popcorn to anyone that attends!
Monitor Halls
Please stand at your door between periods. Not only does this help curb negative behavior, but it is also a nice gesture to greet students as they enter your room.
Praising Students
Thank you for continuing to recognize positive student behavior. Here is a relevant study from Carol Dweck about the behavior we should be recognizing.
Good Professional Reading (or Watching)
Keeping the Door Open to Collaboration
The Power of Believing you can Improve