Sunday, January 28, 2024

  Staff Update Week of January 29th

Important Dates

2/1-         8th Graders to North (TBA)

2/9-        Valentine's Day Dance (Units) at EMS

2/14-      Valentine's Day

2/16-       PTSO Rick Smith (Magician) Assembly 2pm

2/19-      Presidents Day (No School)

2/21-      Staff Meeting 7:30am

2/27-      Fire Drill 9:35am

Important Information


Core subject teachers and Special Education teachers are currently meeting weekly in PLCs.  Other teachers are joining the meetings when they can.  If you would like to join one or more of the grade level PLCs, let me know and we will get you coverage.

Field Trips

We are in the process of setting up field trips for our students.  6th Graders will be going to the Zoo in May (thank you Justine Ianiro).  8th Graders have three field trips set up for the spring (thank you Stephanie Royko).  Does anyone want to step up and organize a field trip for the 7th graders?

Extra Curriculars

Students love to see staff at their sporting events or other extra curriculars.  Thank you to those who stop by to see your students.  The girls basketball team plays at home this Thursday.  I have some connections and will provide free popcorn to anyone that attends!  

Monitor Halls

Please stand at your door between periods.  Not only does this help curb negative behavior, but it is also a nice gesture to greet students as they enter your room.

Praising Students

Thank you for continuing to recognize positive student behavior.   Here is a relevant study from Carol Dweck about the behavior we should be recognizing.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Keeping the Door Open to Collaboration

The Power of Believing you can Improve

Monday, January 15, 2024

 Staff Update Week of January 15th

Important Dates

1/15          MLK Day- No School

1/24         Staff Meeting 7:30am   Canceled 

1/25-        Fire Drill  9:35am

Important Information

Trauma Sensitive Schools Training

Training will be done during PLCs this week.  Thank you Casey for organizing and setting up the schedule.  Training will take the full 45 minutes, so make sure you are on time

Connectedness Survey

Social Studies teachers will be giving students a Connectedness Survey this week in their classes.  This survey is to make sure all of our students connect with at least one adult in our building.  Thank you Leah for organizing this.

8th Grade Class Photo

The annual 8th grade class photo will be taken on Tuesday, January 15th.  This will be done at the beginning of 1st period in the gym.  We will call 8th graders to the gym over the announcements.   

Group Pictures

Group pictures will be done after the 8th grade class photo in the gym.  Thank you Jack for organizing.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Selecting Instructional Strategies That Students Can Master

The Magic of Mistakes

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

 Staff Update Weeks of January 1st and 8th

Yet another reason why I do not go to the mall.........

Important Dates

1/4          Return to School

1/15          MLK Day- No School

1/24         Staff Meeting 7:30am

1/25-        Fire Drill  9:35am

Important Information

Welcome Back

Happy  New Year.  I hope all of you were able to find some time to rest and enjoy the holidays.  May your new year be filled with joy and good health.


We are starting a new process for students that do not have Chromebooks.

Students that are waiting for their Chromebook to be repaired will need to go to Mr. Cramer's room each morning and sign out a Chromebook.  They will return it to him at the end of the day.  This way we can make students receive a Chromebook.

Students that did not bring a Chromebook or did not have it charged will go to the cafeteria in the morning to sign out a Chromebook with Kellie Zabivnik.  At the end of the day, students that needed to sign out a Chromebook will return them to the ADP room with Nick Stankus.  

This process will help us monitor who is borrowing the Chromebooks and monitor any damage done to them.

Students that need to borrow a Chromebook from the cafeteria will receive lunch detentions.  This will increase to after school detentions if particular students are consistently borrowing Chromebooks.


Please make sure students are keeping their phones in their lockers.  If you catch a student with a phone, issue a consequence.  We will discuss this in PLCs.

Hall Passes

Please make sure you are giving students a pass anytime they leave the room.  This includes going to the nurse.


Reminder, 70% of a student's grade should be based on assessment.  Cut the fluff.   

You should have at least one assessment grade per week in your gradebook.

This will be discussed further in PLCs


The best part of my job is getting into classrooms and watching instruction take place.  We have  outstanding educators at EMS.  Keep up the good work.  

Do not be afraid to try something new!   

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Using Student Data to Inspire Goal-Setting

Quick Instructional Videos 

  Staff Update  Week of September 30th, 2024 Important Dates 9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week 9/30-         Fire Drill 9:33 10/3-        Pictur...