Staff Update Week of December 9th
Important Dates
12/17- Band Concert 7pm (EMS Gym)
12/18- 2nd period Band and Choir Concert in Gym
12/18- Fire Drill 2:28pm
12/20- PTSO provided lunch for staff
12/20- PBIS Holiday Carnival Day
Important Information
Band & Chorus Concert
The in school Band and Chorus concert will be 2nd period on 12/18. This was originally scheduled for 7th period. We will call students down to the gym over the announcements. Please sit with students in the bleachers.
Hallway Decorations
Please start cleaning up the hallways on Monday. All hallways must be clear of decorations by Wednesday at 3pm. Please make sure every piece of tape is off the walls and ceilings. Scott and his crew should not have to clean any of this up. Thank you.
Holiday Carnival
The gym and cafeteria will be used for our PBIS Holiday Carnival on 12/20
Each grade level will have an hour at the Carnival. Please have students leave their supplies in the lockers. We will call students down to the gym via the announcements.
* Please refer to the email from Amy Clendenning for more details
6th Grade 8:50-9:50
8th Grade 10:00-11:00
7th Grade 2:00-3:00
Winter Break
I hope everyone has a great, relaxing winter break. Thank you for everything you do each day to make a positive impact on the lives of our students.
Good Professional Reading (or Watching)
9 Ways to Unwind and Rejuvenate
Click here if you are a Browns fan. Steeler fans...stay away.