Staff Update Week of December 18th, 2023
Important Dates
12/20 Staff Meeting 7:30am
12/20 Band/Choir Concert (2nd period in Gym)
12/20 PTSO Meeting 6:30pm
12/21 PBIS 2nd Quarter Incentive
1/4 Return to School
1/15 MLK Day- No School
1/24 Staff Meeting 7:30am
Important Information
Thank You
Thank you to everyone for all their hard work this first semester. It has been great continuing to work with everyone. I know everyone is ready for a break. I hope you get the opportunity to relax and recharge over the holidays.
Last Week of Semester
Please make sure you are keeping your students engaged this final week. Do not give your students "free time". You need to be instructing students and working with them to keep them actively learning.
Engaged kids = behaved kids.
Locker Clean-Out
Monday- First Floor
Tuesday- Second Floor
Please help monitor students and make sure they are cleaning out their lockers.
We may extend homeroom a few minutes.....I will let you know.
Keep an eye out for extra Chromebooks in students' lockers
Parent Communication
Just a friendly reminder that Parent Communication is an essential part of our jobs. Although we provide many ways for parents to monitor their student's progress (Schoology, Powerschool, etc), many parents do not take advantage of this.
If students are missing multiple assignments in your class, you need to reach out to them and let them know. A simple email can make parents aware of the missing assignments and perhaps get the student to complete their work.
Students are not permitted to carry bookbags around school. This includes 8th period. Do not allow students to carry them or enter your room with a bookbag
* Keep in mind there are a few kid with medical needs so they are permitted to use them.
Band/ Choir Concert
On Wednesday, our band and choir students will be performing in the gym 2nd period. This will take the entire period and may go slightly into 3rd period.
Please sit with students in the bleachers and make sure they are behaving.
We will not be running an adjusted bell schedule.
PBIS 2nd Quarter Incentive
Thank you to Amy Clendenning and the PBIS team for organizing the Holiday Carnival Events. Information and schedules have been emailed to you.
PBIS Ambassadors will be excused from classes all day to help run the events.
We will not be running an adjusted bell schedule.
Good Professional Reading (or Watching)
60- Second Strategy: The Hot Seat
6 Non-Education Books with Lessons for Teachers