Wednesday, November 22, 2023

 Staff Update Week of November 27th, 2023

Thanksgiving Feast

Important Dates

11/27     No School

12/5       Principal Meeting (@ EMS 8am )

12/7       Career Day

12/10      Fire Drill 1:40pm

12/20     Staff Meeting 7:30am

12/20     Band/Choir Concert (2nd period in Gym)

12/21      PBIS 2nd Quarter Incentive 

Important Information

Depth of Knowledge

Please review this article  about DOK in your classroom.  Although there are times when Levels 1 and 2 may be necessary, most of our instruction should be at levels 3 and 4.  As I conduct walk-throughs, I will be notating what DOK your instruction is at.  

-  Filling in a worksheet with students answering questions that are simply right or wrong is DOK level 1.  

Pie in the Face?

The EMS PTSO will be selling raffle tickets for students to be able to "Pie a Teacher".  So far, myself and Mr. Ramming have "volunteered" to be pied.  I am hoping we can get a few more teachers to volunteer.  Please let me know if you would be willing.  I will be coming around and asking  this week.  Thank you in advance.

Safety Update

Phones have been purchased.  Every room will have a phone.  I am not sure when they will be installed (perhaps over winter break)

Locks for doors have been purchased.  Any doorknob that does not have a simple way of locking from inside the room will be replaced (replaced over winter break)

I realize the window coverings for your doors are not the best, but I strongly feel they are a necessary safety precaution to have in place.  These are temporary (this year).  I plan on purchasing "blinds" for each door at the beginning of next year.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Is Great Teaching Sustainable?

9 Tips for Using AI for Learning

Improving Your Pre-Unit Assessments

Sunday, November 12, 2023

 Staff Update Week of November 13th, 2023

Congrats to Stephanie Black and the the EMS choir for a great fall concert 

Important Dates

11/15     EMS PTSO Meeting 6:30pm

11/20    Fire Drill 8:45am

11/22     Staff Meeting 7:30am  Cancelled

11/23     Thanksgiving (no school)

11/24     No School

11/27     No School

12/5       Principal Meeting held at EMS 8am 

Important Information

Classroom Discipline

Just a reminder....if students are not following your classroom expectations for behavior, please issue them consequences.  If you have already issued a student a lunch detention and their behavior does not improve, it is time to issue an after school detention.  

Walk-Through Observations

I am very please with the instruction I am seeing from our staff on a daily basis.  Please keep up the good work.  I will be collecting data through walk-through evaluations.  If I stop in your classroom with a laptop, that is what I am doing. 

Instructional Rounds

Interested in getting out of your classroom for a couple of hours?  Want an opportunity to watch your colleagues teach?  I am looking for a few volunteers to participate in Instructional Rounds.  Please email me if you are interested.

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

53 Easy Differentiation Strategies for Your Classroom

15 Assessment Activities That are Fast, Fun, and Formative

Sunday, November 5, 2023

 Staff Update Week of November 6th, 2023


Important Dates

11/7      PD Day 

11/8      Chorus Concert (North High School 7pm)

11/15     EMS PTSO Meeting 6:30pm

11/23     Thanksgiving (no school)

11/24     No School

11/27     No School

Important Information


Again, thank you for your professionalism during conferences.  Congratulations to Derek Grabski for winning the coveted "Last Teacher Stuck at Conferences Award".  I am sure the science department is very proud to keep the award in their department.  

PD Day

All teachers will be meeting at South High School in the morning.  Information was emailed out.  Please make sure you are on time.

When we return to the building in the afternoon, we will have a staff meeting in Dr. Grabski's room at 12:15

Trauma Informed Schools Staff  Training

All teachers are required to receive Trauma Informed Schools training.  We will be doing this once a month during PLC meetings.  Teachers that do not meet weekly for PLCs will be added to a PLC for the training (we will get you coverage).  More info to come.

Here are the dates for the first training sessions:

6th Grade PLC:  Tuesday, November 14th, 5th Period, Dr. Grabski's room

7th Grade PLC:  Wednesday, November 8th, 7th Period, Mr. Johnson's room

8th Grade PLC:  Thursday, November 9th, 1st Period, Mr. Cramer's room

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Marzano's High Yield Instructional Strategies

7 Smart Fast Ways to do Formative Assessments

  Staff Update  Week of September 30th, 2024 Important Dates 9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week 9/30-         Fire Drill 9:33 10/3-        Pictur...