Saturday, August 26, 2023

 Staff Update Week of August 28, 2023

Santina's uncle set up a surprise visit last week.  This was done in Jill Forcht's classroom.  Santina has not seen her uncle in over a year due to his deployment overseas.
Here is a link to the video of the surprise visit

Important Dates

8/21-  First Day of School

8/23- PTSO Meeting 6:30pm

8/24-  Picture Day

8/29-  Fire Drill 1:40

8/30-  Athletics Candy Sale Assembly

8/31-  Open House (6:30pm-7:30pm)

9/1-  Bus Evacuation Drills

9/1-  PBIS Kick-Off Assembly

9/4-  Labor Day (No School)

Important Information

Great Start!

Thank you for a great start to the school year.  There was a lot of positive energy around the building and our students seemed genuinely happy to be at school.  We had some great grade level PLC meetings this week with a lot of great enrichment/extension ideas for our students to partake in.

Athletic Assemblies

The annual candy bar athletic fundraiser will be done on Wednesday during the lunch periods.

Open House

Thursday from 6:30-7:30 PM.  This is my first open house at EMS, and not having school on Friday has set me back on writing some thought provoking information here.  I will update this information on Monday with a schedule for Open House

PBIS Kick-Off Assembly

Our PBIS Kick-Off Assembly will be held on Friday

Here is a link to the Adjusted Bell Schedule.

Students will report to 8th period prior to the PBIS Kick-Off assembly so they can leave their books and materials in that classroom.  They will return to 8th period after the assembly so Athletic Fundraiser materials can be distributed.

Please be in the gym sitting with students to help keep them under control.

T-shirts will be passed out this week to all staff members (assuming they are done on time).  Please wear your t-shirt on Friday to help support PBIS      #BeReal

Window Coverings

Most of you have your window coverings completed.  If you have not devised a way to cover your classroom door window in case of an emergency and need some assistance, please let me know.

Monitor Halls 

Please stand at your door between periods. Not only does this help curb negative behavior, but it is also a nice gesture to greet the students as they enter your room.

Parent Contact 

Parents can be your best partners when working to see your students reach their potential. It is important to develop positive relationships with all of your students' parents. You can begin this process by sending home an email introducing yourself. Be sure to include some goals and outcomes you will work hard to have their children achieve throughout the year. It is great to see that many of you send out weekly emails describing assignments and noting upcoming tests and quizzes. Keep it up! Don't forget to include your contact information in the event they need to reach you. Here are some additional resources used to build positive relationships with your parents.

Hidden Link

Thank you to the following staff members who found the "Hidden Link" in last week's Staff Bulletin.

Justine Ianiro

Karla Schwenk

Kellie Zabivnik

Derek Grabski

The winner of the $25 Amazon Gift card was Karla Schwenk

OTES 2.0

The OTES 2.0 Evaluation Assignment List for 2023-24 will be coming soon.

Log-in to OTES 2.0 using

HQSD selection Google Form due by September 15, 2023

                       HQSD support/resources

Professional Growth Plan Information due by September 30, 2023

                      W-E Schools Strategic Plan

                       W-E Schools Academic Goals

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Create a Google Forms Question Bank

Monday, August 7, 2023

Staff Update Week of August 21, 2023

Important Dates

8/21-  First Day of School

8/23- PTSO Meeting 6:30pm

8/24-  Picture Day

8/29-  Fire Drill 1:40

8/30-  Athletics Candy Sale Assembly

8/31-  Open House (6:30pm-7:30pm)

Important Information

First Impressions

Our students will reflect your positive energy.  Please make sure you leave a lasting first impression on your students the first week of school.  

Picture Day

Picture Day is Thursday, August 24th.  Students will have pictures taken during social studies classes.  Please see Jack Archual with any questions.

Student Grade Level Meetings

I will be meeting with students in the gym to go over rules and expectations.  This should take about 10-15 minutes.  I will call students down to the gym via the announcements and send them back to your classrooms when done.

    6th Grade-  Tuesday 1st period

    7th Grade-  Tuesday 4th period

    8th Grade-  Tuesday 8th period

504 Sign Off

Casey has notified teachers of any students with 504s.  Please refer to her email and complete the sign off form.


If you are interested in running a student club this year, let me know.  I would like to put together a list of clubs available for students to participate in.


Here is a link for instructions for using Mirror360.  Stylus pens are available in my office if you would like to use one this year.  You can control your SmartBoard from your Chromebook using the stylus pen.....thus you do not need to stand next to your Smartboard to write on the board.  I have plenty, so come grab one and give it a try.

I/E Rotation

6th Grade

Intervention      Mondays + Thursdays

Intervention     Wednesdays + Fridays

PLC-  Tuesdays

                    * Enrichment        Science and Social Studies teachers pull students from SH 

                                                    Come up with a plan during week 1

                                                        Enrichment begins Week 2

7th Grade

Intervention Mondays + Thursdays

Intervention   Tuesdays + Fridays

PLC-  Wednesdays

                    * Enrichment        Science and Social Studies teachers pull students from SH 

                                                    Come up with a plan during week 1

                                                        Enrichment begins Week 2

8th Grade

Intervention     Mondays + Wednesdays

Intervention      Tuesdays + Fridays

                        PLC-  Thursdays

                    * Enrichment        Science and Social Studies teachers pull students from SH 

                                                    Come up with a plan during week 1

                                                        Enrichment begins Week 2

Don't Forget

Key in desk drawer

Door window covering

Update Sub Folder/ Emergency Medical Forms

Good Professional Reading (or Watching)

Collective Teacher Efficacy

Differentiation Techniques in the Middle School Classroom

75 Digital Tools and Apps Teachers Can Use to Support Formative Assessment in the Classroom

  Staff Update  Week of September 30th, 2024 Important Dates 9/30-10/4     EMS Safety Week 9/30-         Fire Drill 9:33 10/3-        Pictur...